

TED is a Nonprofit Organization devoted to spreading ideas in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics from science to business to global issues in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.

TEDxRTU aims to coalesce bright minds who are looking for some ground breaking ideas to reshape their as well as community’s future. Here, speakers from diverse background inspire the global audience to learn, explore and uplift themselves and make an impact in the society. It is a civic phenomenon which aims to inculcate in people the sense of universal responsibility while respecting the virtues of individuality.


The college orchestrates the biggest Techno-management Fest in Rajasthan financed by the State Government. THAR (Technical Haecceity Acumen Resilience) is first of its kind to bring all engineering students of various colleges of Rajasthan under a common banner. The idea was conceived with an aim to provide a platform for the young and aspiring engineers of Rajasthan to showcase their engineering skills, creativity and talents at a much bigger state level where it could be duly rewarded and encourage them to gain a practical understanding of their profession. The fest consists of a plethora of events and workshops, mind-boggling demonstrations and inspiring lecture series and other literary as well as non-technical events. The fest is gearing up with participation of students from outside Rajasthan also.


Anukriti is the annual cultural festival at University Departments, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota. Anukriti is inarguably one of the largest fest of its kind in the state to be organized entirely by students. Anukriti conducts a multitude of events encompassing 10 genres and more than 20 events are contested among the best in Kota. A splendid platform for the spectacular display of the diverse talents of today’s youth in several fields such as dance, dramatics, music, film fest, literary, fine arts, quizzing, gaming and various others. In addition to this, Anukriti also plays host to Cultural Nights, with renowned artists putting up exquisite performances.