Master Builders

Master Builders

If you can dream it, we can build it, this can be achieved by master builder club. The objective of club is to learn the advanced technology, information exchange, implementation of practical things to the daily life, to discover new projects related to construction, detail description about modern infrastructural development. Various workshops on technical and structural softwares like Auto CAD, Staad. Pro, Revit Architecture etc. have been organized.

Objective of the club: The CLUB focuses on various daily life problems and their solution. It was started for the students of branch CIVIL, but today focuses on models and projects of various branches, keeping Civil and related problems at a special stage.
Club Activities
  • Bridge-O-Mania:The first activity for every session is BRIDGE-O-MANIA. Students are made to focus on every aspect of a bridge structure. They come to know about various types of bridges, their structural designing, reason for building and many more. Making models of various kind of bridges using normal popsicle sticks help the learn the building aspect too.
  • Cantilever:An activity to know the structure and design of crane. It also focuses on making and working of crane. Making model of the same helps it too.
  • Plant Tender: A circuit model idea which was thought and pursued for the problem of wastage of water. The circuit is capable of sensing the moisture requirement by soil to grow and plant, and then as per requirement it provides water to the soil.
  • Auto-CAD Workshop: The workshop for AutoCAD has always been a plus point for the members. Faculties from Civil department has always been a part of workshop and supported it a lot.
  • Sotte Tunnel: A model which is perfect combination of Civil & Electrical technologies. A tunnel is created and is provided a sensing and lighting circuit, which makes it relatable to a real tunnel.
  • Soda Car: A bottle is designed in form of a car and by using chemical reactions, a high stream pressure is generated, helping in car to move.
Events Organized
S No Name of Activity Team/ Individual Duration/
Venue Number of Participants Brief Description
1 Crazy Sticks Team Feb 2018 Agora 120 The students made various types of bridges. Further, the efficiency of the bridges was tested.
2 Bamboo House Team Feb 2018 Agora 90 House models were constructed using Bamboo Sticks. These houses went through a few tests to check efficiency, like, lateral weight and load test.
3 Hydraulic Arm Challenge Team Feb 2018 Agora 70 An arm was constructed to carry up load and to move objects.
The test gives a challenge of holding blocks and making pyramids.
4 Bridge It Team October 2018 Lecture Theatre 110 Making of abstract was the first challenge.
Testing of efficiency of K-Warren Truss Bridge.
5 Cantelivo Team October 2018 Lecture Theatre 90 Crane structure is made and efficiency is tested.

About 100 members

S No Name of participant Branch Year of Study Duration/
Name of event Venue Winner/Runner-up/participation
1 Sourabh Calla
Dheeraj Sharma
Saksham Gupta
Shubham Khandelwal
2nd March 2018 Bridge making JECRC University, Jaipur Runner Up
2 Sourabh Calla
Dheeraj Sharma
Avni Singhal
2nd Jan2018 Bridge IT IIT BHU Participation
3 Sourabh Calla
Dheeraj Sharma
Saksham Gupta
Shubham Khandelwal
2nd Jan 2018 Bridge making JECRC University JAIPUR Participation
4 Sourabh Calla
Dheeraj Sharma
Avni Singhal
2nd Feb 2018 Hydraulic arm challenge RTU, KOTA Winner
S No Name of Coordinator Branch Year of study email Mobile
1 Sourabh R Calla Petrochemical 2nd [email protected] 9468870231
2 Dheeraj Sharma Petroleum 2nd [email protected] 9928637836
3 Rahul Gera Civil 2nd [email protected] 8003912555
Faculty Advisor

Mr. SohailSi sodiya