Rajesh Kumar Bhamu (On QIP for PhD)

Faculty Profile

Mr. Rajesh Kumar Bhamu

Designation :Assistant Professor
Qualifications :M.Tech. in Energy Technology (Tezpur Central University, Assam)
Contact Detail :
Email :rkbhamu@rtu.ac.in
Phone No. :744-2473923 (O-C210)

Research Interests
Solar thermal engineering, Energy efficiency in buildings, Passive cooling system, Energy Management, Heat Transfer, Thermal Comfort
Brief Research Profile

Journal Publication Details:

1. Pranab J Lahkar,  Rajesh K Bhamu,  SK Samdarshi , “Enabling inter-cooker thermal performance comparison based on cooker opto-thermal ratio (COR)“, Applied Energy, Volume: 99 /     491-495 /  2012

Conference Details:

Seminar/Symposia/Workshop/Conference/STC Participated:

 1. Attended a TEQIP II sponsored short term course on” Recent Trends in Solar Energy Technology” during 16-23 June 2015 at IIT Delhi.2.Attended a TEQIP II sponsored Two Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP), on “Teaching Pedagogy and Research ”  from 11th to 20th may 2015 at RTU, Kota.

3. Attended a short term course on “MODELING AND SIMULATION USING FINITE  ELEMENT METHOD FOR ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS -2014 (MSFEMEA-2014) during 23-27 June 2014 at IIT, Mandi.

4. Attended a short term course on “Application of MATLAB in Engineering ” during 16-20 Sept at MNIT, Jaipur.

5. Participated in 3 days international workshop on “Solar Radiation Resource Assessment and Modelling ” during 7-9 August 2012 Jointly organized by IIT Jodhpur and ADB at IIT Jodhpur .

6. Participated in International Congress on Renewable Energy (ICORE) 2011, 2-4th November 2011, Jointly organized by Department of Energy, Tezpur University and Solar Energy Society of India, New Delhi.

Professional Affiliation:

 1. Life member of “Solar Energy Society of India”

Research Supervised: