Dr. Ajay Bindlish Profile

Faculty Profile
Dr. Ajay Bindlish
Designation Professor
Qualifications B Tech, M.Tech., Ph.D.(IIT Roorkee)
Contact Detail Dept. of Civil Engineering ,RTU
Email [email protected]
Mobile No. +91-9460941135

Research Interests:

Bearing Capacity of Rocks,  Ground Improvement Techniques, Foundation in Black Cotton Soils,   

 UDEC Modelling of Rocks.

Brief Research Profile:

 Journal Publication Details:

Bindlish Ajay., Singh M. and Samadhiya, N.K. (2012),An Experimental Study on Ultimate Bearing Capacity of a Foundation in Anisotropic Rock Mass, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering July 2012, ISSN 0971-9059

Bindlish Ajay., Singh M. and Samadhiya, N.K. (2012), Ultimate Bearing Capacity Capacity of Shallow Foundations on Jointed Rock Mass, Indian Geotechnical Journal, Vol.42, Issue 3, July-September 2012 (pp.169-178), ISSN 0971-9555

Bindlish Ajay., Singh M. and Samadhiya, N.K.(2012),Modelling on Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations on Jointed Rock Mass”, Indian Geotechnical Journal

Bindlish Ajay, Amit Kumar Jangid, Jitendra Khatti, (2018), Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil by 15% Kota Stone Slurry with Recron 3s Fibre, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering  (IJARSE) Volume No.07, Special Issue No. (02), January 2018, (Page 102-107) (ISSN: 2319-8354)

Bindlish Ajay, Amit Kumar Jangid, Jitendra Khatti, (2018), “Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil by 15% Kota Stone Slurry with Wooden Saw Dust ”, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering(IJARSE) Volume No.07, Special Issue No. (02), January 2018, (Page 108-114) (ISSN: 2319-8354)

Ajay Bindlish, Amit Kumar Jangid, Jitendra Khatti, (2018), “A Study of Engineering Properties of Black Cotton Soil with Kota Stone Slurry ”, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering (IJARSE) Volume No.07, Special Issue No. (02), January 2018, (Page 115-123) (ISSN: 2319-8354)

Ajay Bindlish, Manisha  Meena, Harshil Bhatt, (2018),Behavior of Flyash with Disposable Waste Carbide Sludge” International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering (IJARSE) Volume No.07, Special Issue No. (03), March 2018, (Page 185-190) (ISSN: 2319-8354)

Ajay Bindlish, Harshil Bhatt, Manisha  Meena, (2018),” Behavior of Expansive soil By Using Low Cost Materail Carbide Sludge” International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering (IJARSE) Volume No.07, Special Issue No. (03), March 2018, (Page 191-197) (ISSN: 2319-8354)

Ajay Bindlish, Harshil Bhatt, Manisha  Meena, (2018),” Geotechnical Properties of an Expansive Soil Stabilized with Quick Lime” International Journal of Engineering Development and Research  (IJEDR) Volume No.06,  Issue No. (02), March 2018, (Page 485-488)/ ISSN: 2321-9939

Ajay Bindlish, Harshil Bhatt, Sumit Shringi, (2018),” Geotechnical properties of expansive soil stabilized with stone dust” National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development PAGES: 1272-1274 , Vol. 3, Issue 1 (2018)

Ajay Bindlish, Manisha  Meena, Harshil Bhatt, (2018),” Experimental Study On Cbr Ratio Of Flyash Using Crusher Dust And Cement", International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR), ISSN:2321-9939, Volume.6, Issue 2, pp.342-345, April 2018

Manisha  Meena, Ajay Bindlish (2018),” Use of Crusher Dust as a Stabilizing Agent to Enhance Flyash Geotechnical Properties” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( IJIRSET), Vol. 7, Issue 4, April 2018, ISSN(Online): 2319-8753 ISSN (Print): 2347-6710

Manisha  Meena, Raaj Sharma, Ajay Bindlish (2018),” Stabilization of Pavement Subgrade by Using Crusher Dust Activated by Cement” International Journal of Creative Research thoughts (IJCRT) ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.6, Issue 2, Page No pp.922 - 925, April 2018,

Harshil Bhatt, Raaj Sharma, Ajay Bindlish (2018),” Effect of Lime on Swelling Pressure and CBR Value of Expansive Soilt” International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science (IJTIMES) Impact Factor: 3.45 (SJIF-2015), e-ISSN: 2455-2585 Volume 4, Issue 5, May-2018

Harshil Bhatt, Raaj Sharma, Ajay Bindlish (2018),” Study a Behaviour of Expansive Soil with 6% Lime and Crusher Dust” International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Pages: 1034- 1037 ,  Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018

 Conference  Publications Details:

Bindlish Ajay., Charan H D (1998), “Ground Pollution and Its Control-An Overview”, National Conference on Environmental Aspects of Engineering Practices at BIET, Jhansi

Bindlish Ajay., Charan H D (1998), “Foundation Practices in Expansive Soils-An Overview”, National Conference on Construction in Expansive Soils at SGSITS, Indore

Bindlish Ajay., Arora V K (1998), “Study of Behavior of Jointed Rocks”, Indian Geotechnical Conference-1998, held at IIT Delhi in Dec.1998.( Golden Jubliee Conference)

Bindlish Ajay., Arora V K (2002), “Critical Evaluation of Engineering Classification of jointed Rocks” , National Conference on Recent trends in Civil Engg at M B M Engg College, Jodhpur

Kaushik, N.P., Sharma, J.K., Bindlish, Ajay and Prasad, C.D. (2003), “Effect of Addition of Fly Ash and Lime-Fly Ash on the Characteristics of Expansive Soils”,Indian Geotechnical Conference-2003, held at IIT Roorkee in Dec.2003.

Bindlish Ajay, Singh M. and Samadhiya N.K. (2005), “ Failure Criteria for Rock and Rock Masses”, Proc. of the national Conf. on Geotechnics in Environmental Protection, Eds. Srivastava and Tiwari, Allahabad, India, April 9- 10, pp III-46 – III49.

Bindlish Ajay., Singh M. and Samadhiya N.K. (2005), “Bearing Capacity Approaches for Rocks – A Review”, Proceedings Conference on Geotechnics and Environment for Sustainable Development (GSD- 2005), Nagpur, pp. 20-25.

Bindlish Ajay., Singh M and Samadhiya N.K. (2007), “Bearing capacity of jointed rock mass- A Review”, National Conference on Emerging technology and Developments in Civil Engineering, 22-23 March 2007, Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati, India.IV:1-7.

Bindlish Ajay., Singh M. and Samadhiya, N.K. (2007), “Experimental study on bearing capacity of foundation on intact rocks”, Proc. National Conf. on Foundations and Retaining Structures (NCFRS 2007),IIT Roorkee, India, May 23-24, 2007, pp. 63-66

Bindlish Ajay., Singh M. and Samadhiya, N.K. (2009), “Bearing Capacity of A Foundation on Non –Hoek Brown Rock Masses- Recent Developments”, Proc. Civil Engg Conference- Innovation without limits ( CEC-09), NIT Hamirpur, 2009

 Seminar/Symposia/Workshop/Conference/STC Organized:

  1.  Attended two days MOODLE Training program at UD, RTU, Kota, conducted by IIT Mumbai
  2. Three-day Faculty Development Program on Preparation for NBA Accreditation, July 3-5, 2019, TEQIP-III RTU, Kota.
  3. One – week STC on Application of FEM for Structural analysis from June 21-25, 2004 by MNIT Jaipur.
  4. One– week STC on Rock Mechnics in Civil Engg Projects from Dec 22-26, 2003 by IIT Roorkee.
  5. Two– week STC on Computer Based Surveying and Mapping Techniques from 23.6 – 4.7.2003 by IIT Roorkee.
  6. Two– week STC on Renewable Energy Resources for Enviourmrntal Protection and sustainable development from 26.6 – 6.7.2000 by Civil EnggDeptt, ECK Kota.
  7. Two– week STC on Experimental Geotechniques from  June 15-26, 1998 by IIT Bombay.
  8. Two– week STC on Critical State Soil Mechnics from  June 10-21, 1997 by Thapar Institue of Engg and Tech, Patiala.
  9. Two– week STC on Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings from   24.6-5.7.1996 by Delhi College of Engg, Delhi.
  10. Two– week STC on Shore protection works in Tidal and Deltaic Areas from   Junie 1-12, 1994 by IIT Kharagpur.
              Consultancy and Testing Work

·        Testing of various Civil Engineering Materials, Concrete, Cement, Bricks, Road Materials

·         CNS design for Black Cotton Expansive Soil for Canals  

·        Geotechnical Investigations of Multistory buildings, Dams, Bridges, water Tanks

·        Consultancy work for various departments such as PWD, PHED, Irrigation

Professional Affiliation:

·        Fellow Member of Institution of Engineers.

·        Life Member of Indian Geotechnical Engineering Society.

·        Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education.

  • Life Member of Indian Society for Rock Mechnaics and tunneling Technology.

Research Supervised:

 Mtech Thesis in Geotechnical Engineering

   Master of Technology (M.Tech)

  1. Raj Kumar Goyal, Title of Research Work – Study on Behaviour of Strip and Rectangular Footings on Dune Sand Reinforced with Mat of waste GI strips.
  2. Amit Kr Jangid, Title of Research Work – To Study the Behaviour of Black Cotton Soil with Kota stone Slurry, Recron 3s Fibre and Wooden saw Dust.
  3. Swarnima , Title of Research Work – Experimental Study on Flyash Mixes with Sand and Randomly distributed Polypropelyne Fibre.
  4. Manisha Meena , Title of Research Work – Experimental Study to Evaluate the performance of Flyash with Crusher Dust.
  5. Harshil Bhatt, Title of Research Work – To Study the Behaviour of Expansive Soil with Quick Lime and Crusher Dust.
  6. Viny Mehta, Title of Research Work – To Study the Behaviour of Expansive Soil with Kota Slurry, Stone Dust and Calcium Chloride.
  7. Rishi Bhalwada, Title of Research Work – Performance Evaluation of Expansive Soil with Marble Dust and Stone Dust.


IGS-HEICO Biannual Award for the best Research Paper published in the Indian Geotechnical Journal, Vol.42, Issue 3, July-September 2012 (pp.169-178) at IIT ROORKEE

Coordinated and Contributed in revision of M Tech Geotechnical Engineering Curriculum of the University in 2020. Member Board of Studies – Civil Engineering, Review of curriculum of B Tech – Civil  Engineering